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CPCC has Sunday School classes for all ages, inlcuding adults, at 11 AM to Noon. The nursery stays open during this hour so that parents of infants can attend. The Adult Class meets in the Fireside Room.

Currently we are using a Ligonier video series A Time for Confidence featuring Dr Stephen Nichols, with discusison led by Sr Pastor David Bissett. Each lessons points to almighty God as the source and ground of our confidence. Though the world may shake around us, His kingdom is unshakable. This is a time for confidence! 

  • February 2nd, Introduction
  • February 23rd,  Confidence in God
  • march 2nd,  Confidence in the Bible
  • March 9th,  Confidence in Christ
  • March 16th,  Confidence in the Gospel
  • March 23rd,  Confidence in Hope