Sundays at CPCC

Morning Worship Service,  9:30 AM

Coffee Fellowship Time,  10:45 AM

Sunday School for all,  11:00 AM–Noon

Evening Service,  6:00 PM


"Worship is focusing our mind's attention and our heart's affection on the glory and grace of God."

What to expect...

Enter by the main (blue) doors facing the parking lot. Inside is Fellowship Hall with coat racks, seating area, bookrack, restrooms, and a drinking fountain.


The nursery is in the back of the first floor — follow the signs.


What should I wear? Those coming to worship often dress up, but there is no one standard for attire — casual or otherwise, you'll be fine.


The sanctuary (a "room set apart for worship") is on the second floor, with open seating.  If you need assistance getting to the 2nd floor, we have an elevator located in the NW lobby.


Upstairs, an usher will hand you "the bulletin" – a program with the order of service, announcements, and a sermon notes sheet. You can see/download this using a tab (above).


Most regular attenders bring a Bible to use during the service. If you need a Bible, there are plenty at the ushers' station -- just take one.


The morning service starts at 9:30 AM and ends around 10:45 AM.


There is a coffee time downstairs between the service and the Sunday School hour.


There is a round table in Fellowship Hall with information on the church and our ministries; help yourself.